
Timothy Peterman, Zachary Peterman, and Tammy Peterman

Timothy and Tammy Peterman, of Altoona, 承诺捐出七位数的礼物来建立扎卡里T. 2014年十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校纪念机电工程学生奖学金.

Credit: Provided

ALTOONA, Pa. — Timothy and Tammy Peterman, of Altoona, 承诺捐出七位数的礼物来建立扎卡里T. 2014年十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校纪念机电工程学生奖学金.

This gift, 这将有助于减轻学院机电工程技术(EMET)学生的经济负担, has secured a $10,从十大网投平台信誉排行榜遗产挑战项目中获得的000名比赛选手将立即获得学生奖学金.

“On behalf of our Penn State Altoona family, 我对蒂姆·彼得曼和塔米·彼得曼夫妇对他们儿子的生命表示深深的感谢, Zach, 这种方式将使我们的机电工程专业的学生永远受益,” said Chancellor and Dean Lori J. Bechtel Wherry. “我们感谢他们的慈善精神,正是这种精神激励了这项奖学金的创立. 蒂姆和塔米的善行证明了定义他们生活的价值观和原则. 我们感谢他们为他们心爱的儿子以及他在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校留下的遗产而制作的礼物.”

这项奖学金是为了纪念彼得曼已故的儿子, Zachary, 谁在2014年成功完成高级顶点项目后从EMET项目毕业, “Automated Basketball Arcade.”

毕业后,扎克开始在菲利普斯堡的李工业公司工作. He was employed there until June 2017, 当时他被十大网投平台信誉排行榜物理工厂办公室聘为可靠性规划师.

作为一名狂热的飞钓者和猎人,扎克喜欢户外活动. 人们可以看到他经常带着钓竿在朱尼亚塔河上散步,钓鳟鱼,或者在雷斯敦分公司钓小嘴鲈鱼. Zach was a gun collector and passionate target shooter. 他喜欢在他的摩托车和卡车上工作,是一名优秀的机械师. 他的遗愿清单上有一项是骑着摩托车游览宾夕法尼亚州的每一个州立公园. He was able to see several. Zach loved animals, especially his cat, Finn. 他是迪士尼和《信誉最好的大网投平台》的超级粉丝,喜欢电子游戏. He loved being with his family, especially at holidays. His parents say Zach was quiet and very intelligent. 他们补充说,他心地善良,是一个无私奉献的人.

Timothy and Tammy are both from Altoona, 彼得曼家族有就读十大网投平台信誉排行榜的悠久传统. 蒂莫西在阿尔图纳校区开始了他的教育,并于1980年获得了机械工程学位, and the couple’s two other children, Erica and Jared, also are alumni of the University.

“这份礼物反映了我们无私的信念,”蒂莫西说. “这也反映了我们对十大网投平台信誉排行榜的热爱和高等教育的价值. This endowment will assist EMET students who, like Zach, 想要通过解决摆在我们面前的问题让世界变得更美好.”

蒂莫西回忆起扎克夏天在呼啸泉造纸厂和格林伍德草地工作时的努力. Most of his earnings were used to help pay for college, 他很感激获得了奖学金,也可以支付学费. Zach was able to graduate debt-free, 蒂莫西和塔米说,他们的礼物将使其他学生在没有巨额债务的情况下毕业.

“我们希望我们的儿子扎克会被铭记为一个好学生和一个关心他人的善良的人,” Timothy said. “这笔捐款会让他感到自豪,因为他知道这将帮助其他不幸的人. I’m sure he is smiling from above.”

The establishment of this scholarship will advance “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,这是一项重点运动,旨在提升十大网投平台信誉排行榜在一个以快速变化和全球联系为特征的世界中的领先公立大学地位. With the support of alumni and friends, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by serving communities and fueling discovery, innovation and entrepreneurship. 欲了解更多关于“21世纪卓越的更伟大的十大网投平台信誉排行榜”,请访问 greaterpennstate.mackinbridges.net.

十大网投平台信誉排行榜遗产挑战赛允许捐赠者创建未来奖学金,并在他们的一生中看到该捐赠的影响. Bequests of $250,000 or more to endow scholarships will secure a $10,000 match from University funds, 将立即用于满足十大网投平台信誉排行榜学生的迫切需要,并为学生提供四年的奖励. 这项配对计划将持续到6月30日活动结束, 2022, 或者直到大学配对支持的全部池耗尽. 欲了解更多信息,请致电888-800-9170与礼品策划办公室联系 [email protected].

For information on all giving at Penn State Altoona, contact Director of Development Mary Ann Amato at 814-949-5154 or [email protected].
