engage inspire prepare

Steve Farella on graduation day in spring 2021

The opposite of addiction

Three students from Penn State 阿尔图纳’s Human Development and Family Studies program use their stories of addiction to help others stand with them on the side of recovery.
Chloe Mazza doing work in a biology lab

The Beauty of 研究

On a whim, Chloe Mazza applied for a competitive internship with L’Oreal. She never imagined she’d be selected to spend this summer doing research for the world’s leading beauty company.
Andrew Kennedy with the Union Pacific Big BOy

The Ultimate Railfan

Andrew Kennedy follows his passion—and amasses content for his YouTube channel—through Penn State 阿尔图纳's Rail Transportation Engineering program.
Paola Jaramillo Calderon interacts with a mannequin in Penn State 阿尔图纳's nursing simulation lab.

Fate Over Fear

It may not be the journey Paola Jaramillo Calderon imagined she’d take, but she’s putting trust in herself and destiny to get her where she is meant to be.
A mural spearheaded by Pam Etters near the Pacifica Fernandez Elementary School in Costa Rica

Murals Do "Talk"

Pam Etters uses the same tools she applies as a soccer coach off the playing field as part of the Murals Talk art project, which aims to positively impact people and communities.